Sunday, April 29, 2012

KONY 2012...Fact or Fiction?

Okay, so I have seen alot of comments regarding this KONY 2012 "thing". I am sitting on the fence with this one. There are reasons for either side that I can see it 1. Being Fake or 2. Being Real... I guess what worries me is that we cannot be so sure, are we falling victim to clever techniques used to make us feel sorry for something we actually cant make a difference towards, or is it that it is true and we can really make a difference if we all put our hearts and minds to it.. Well that leads me to the question that I have for you!


This is my take (the fencing sitting):

It is...FACT
  • There are real problems in the world and we know child soldiers are one of them
  •  Joseph Kony is actually a war criminal
  • Jacob Acaye, the former child soldier featured in the film, supported the video and defended its makers.[
  • They made a pretty good 30 minute video with some hard hitting facts and evidence about the problem
 It is...FICTION
  • They have not portrayed a story of understanding around it, it is a very black and white picture and it is merely a hate campaign towards a single person. (getting rid of one person wont solve the problem)
  • I have heard it is about the money and 75% of the money goes towards costs, airfares etc
  • Some people have not even got their Kony packs and it is well after the Kony day (20 April 2012).
  • I understand to use social media as a tool to getting people to know more however do you really trust everything you see on TV? No? Then why do the same for social networking sites?
Its not that I do not believe there is not a problem and that Joseph Kony is not a bad person, however selling packs to people to raise money "supposedly" to raise awareness I just don't see how they fit hand in hand. However I do think if you really want to stand up for something you truely believe in go ahead mate I aint stopping you. But comments would be great, let me know what you really think about KONY 2012?

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Okay. So I went to Bali not long ago, and I was unfortunate enough to get sick! It was not 'bali belly' but food poisoning. Anyway! About 3 weeks later I thought my tummy bug was coming back again but it turns out that I am actually allergic to Blueberries! I ate them once and got so sick, I started sweating, getting a fever, short of breath, really grumbly tummy and nauseous. I didn't even think that it would be from food so I just assumed that I was getting my tummy bug back again. BUT then it happened again! 15 minutes after I ate 4 blueberries.

So there you have it, I am allergic to blueberries, who would have thought. Apparently you can get food allergies at any stage in your life, which is obvious because I have always been able to have them before. It sucks they are so good!

So be careful peeps you never know when you might have a food allergy!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Strawberry Milk

Its funny how strawberry milk can be called strawberry tastes nothing like strawberries. They should just call it 'Pink Milk' or 'Yellow Milk' at least it would be a true reflection of the colour and not link it back to the taste of a fruit...sugary milk = fruit taste HAHA yeah right! Should invent a 'Blue Milk' I reckon that will get the kidie winks going.

I really want to move into my house already. Settlement was due for Friday the 13th...I know black friday. And it was real grim for me as settlement did not go ahead. It amazes me how you can lock into a contract, have a date set but people just do not stick to it. For those of you out there who are settlement agents, kudos to you for putting up with the banks and stupid people. Fingers crossed I get to move in at the end of this week, I want to so badly! My beautiful new house with wooden floorboards, high ceilings, big kitchen, awesome wardrobe and bathrooms and outdoor area, OH the list goes on. Please let this weekend be the weekend that we can move into our new home.

So I was at the train station the other day and it really shocked me as to the amount of litter there was on the ground. But not just plain old rubbish and milk carton litter, but cigarettes. It was DISGUISTING! There should be a law against littering cigarette butts!

Plain packaging is not going to make people stop smoking it will probably make them want to smoke more! When you think about it, people will not need to see what brand they are smoking, they will not care, they will just smoke any old cigarette that comes there way. If you really want to combat smoking make them pay more for them. Make people who smoke have to attend a seminar once a quarter to see the affects of smoking I dont know. I know that it is a "personal choice" but when I am walking through the city and the person in front of my lights up a cigarette, I get a full mouthful of smoke, where is the free chocie in that!!! I do not want to smoke thank you very much but I do not get a say I just have to breath in your filth. Have some respect!


Monday, April 9, 2012

Apollo Motorhome Holiday - I WISH!

Oh my it would be wonderful to go on a holiday with my partner (Ryan) and enjoy all of lifes wonders! We have not long just bought a house and have always wanted to go on a trip around Western australia in particular, swim with the whale sharks, visit esperance and go to kalgoorlie oh how wonderful it would be!!! Sip on Wine, eat chocolate and cheese it would be perfect!!!!

I know so many people out there would love this experience especially us!!!