Sunday, April 29, 2012

KONY 2012...Fact or Fiction?

Okay, so I have seen alot of comments regarding this KONY 2012 "thing". I am sitting on the fence with this one. There are reasons for either side that I can see it 1. Being Fake or 2. Being Real... I guess what worries me is that we cannot be so sure, are we falling victim to clever techniques used to make us feel sorry for something we actually cant make a difference towards, or is it that it is true and we can really make a difference if we all put our hearts and minds to it.. Well that leads me to the question that I have for you!


This is my take (the fencing sitting):

It is...FACT
  • There are real problems in the world and we know child soldiers are one of them
  •  Joseph Kony is actually a war criminal
  • Jacob Acaye, the former child soldier featured in the film, supported the video and defended its makers.[
  • They made a pretty good 30 minute video with some hard hitting facts and evidence about the problem
 It is...FICTION
  • They have not portrayed a story of understanding around it, it is a very black and white picture and it is merely a hate campaign towards a single person. (getting rid of one person wont solve the problem)
  • I have heard it is about the money and 75% of the money goes towards costs, airfares etc
  • Some people have not even got their Kony packs and it is well after the Kony day (20 April 2012).
  • I understand to use social media as a tool to getting people to know more however do you really trust everything you see on TV? No? Then why do the same for social networking sites?
Its not that I do not believe there is not a problem and that Joseph Kony is not a bad person, however selling packs to people to raise money "supposedly" to raise awareness I just don't see how they fit hand in hand. However I do think if you really want to stand up for something you truely believe in go ahead mate I aint stopping you. But comments would be great, let me know what you really think about KONY 2012?

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