Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The joys of my morning coffee today

It is such a beautiful day today, sunny and not a cloud in the sky -

just kidding, its actually pooring down rain and cold. I am at work, drinking my mocha coffee and it is keeping me nice and warm. I have my coat/jacket on me like a blanket as well! I don't usually drink coffee all that much, but I have actually taken a liking to the nescafe sachet ones - I know its not really REAL coffee but its a good alternative when you cannot really have caffeiene anyway due to it making you feel ill!

I have so much darn paperwork to do! Thats what happens when you have a couple of days off work from being sick with a cold and then coming back to month end paperwork. It sucks.

I don't actually have many/any followers on my blog or even many people that view it, but I like to talk to myself, I mean who doesnt? And obviously ask myself questions and cyberspace questions that will more than likely not get answered.

But just out of curiosity and for the off chance that someone replies, here is my question to you today:

Do you like coffee? Why/Why not? And what is your FAVOURITE?

One of my faves is the nescafe whit choc mocha sachets as well as good ol' italian style brewed coffee on the stove - fave brand = rubra!

Shaz xx

Monday, May 27, 2013

Finding a new calm.

So this week I have been working in the city and obviously having to get the train into work.
Usually I drive into work and it takes me about 15 minutes on the freeway (I work kind of local to where I live).

Anyway - this morning on the train I was thinking to myself that it would be nice to be able to relax and chill out more, not have to worry about things and just be melow. I googled a few things but because my signal kept cutting out during my journey to work I was unsuccessful in finding something to read about in order to chill out.

Instead I sat there and was looking at all of the different types of people on the train whether they were of a different race, colour, age, gender and so forth and just thinking of how stereotypical people can be. I got into a long train of thought "train - haha" and was thinking about how most people in todays society are racist, myself included. I will not go out of my way to find something to say about someone else, however unintentionally people do it all the time whether it be "those asian drivers", "typical bogan", "taxi drivers" and the list goes on. I personally want to see things differently and not let myself be influenced by all of the racist slurr as well as day to day jargon that is passing off negative energy.

I want to find a new balance, a new calm.

I am setting myself a goal, one of finding a new way to calm my inner judgement as well as having a relaxed approach to situations. I want to be a happier person, smile more, relax more and I want people around me to benefit off my positive energy.

I do not wish to sound like a whack job but I want to better myself, I know I am not the only one.

Lets see how I go.

Shaz xx